Factors Influencing the Cost of Hair Bundles


The hair market is filled with multiple hairs for different styles. It gives women a chance to switch styles based on factors like mood, occasion, comfort, price, and many more. Fontal hair bundles are an example of such hairs, and their popularity has grown immensely over recent years. Various kinds of hair bundles exist, and their prices vary as well. We look at factors that determine hair bundle prices below.

How much do hair bundles cost?

There is no definite answer to this question. Prices vary due to distinct characteristics that each bundle possesses. Other factors include;

1. Manufacturing company

Human hair is processed by so many companies globally. Well-established companies price their hair differently compared to new or upcoming manufacturers. Some not only sell the bundles but their name too. Bundles coming from such companies are generally more pricey than other brands. It’s good to do proper research for the most cost-friendly but good-quality hair before buying.

2. Quality of the hair

You may wonder how the quality affects the price, considering the hair here is all human hair. Like synthetic hair, there are different qualities of human hair. Human hair bundles can be pure virgin hair that’s not processed and have its cuticle intact. It can also be human hair but with minimal processing.

Pure hair will definitely cost more than the processed hair. In addition, human hair bundles are made using different materials like Brazilian hair, Peruvian hair, Indian hair, and Malaysian hair. No manufacturer can price these hairs the same, thus influencing the cost of every hair bundle.

3. The number of hair bundles you need

Most hair bundles are sold as a set of three since that’s the average number needed during installation. However, if you are after volume or length increment, the bundle number will change. Adding length requires you to buy hair bundles of varying sizes, making it more expensive than purchasing one or two bundles for making the hair voluminous. In some cases, purchasing a set of bundles is usually cheaper than getting single pieces.

4. The hair color

Hair bundles with color have gone through an additional process to achieve the final look. Typical bundle colors are usually black, blonde, or dark brown. Those with these basic colors are way cheaper than those with other colors like ombre of similar inches. You end up paying more for colored or highlighted hair bundles to get that unique and bold look.

5. The hair grade

Hair bundles are graded differently based on several factors. Manufactures mostly determine the grades of human hair bundles since there’s no standard grading system. Ideally, these grades describe the quality of the hair; thus, the higher the grade, the better the quality. Also, the higher the grade, the more money needed to buy it. A grade 10A bundle will definitely cost more than a grade 3A bundle.

Bottom Line

There’s no fixed hair bundle price across the globe. Various factors play a huge role in determining how much money one needs to part with. Different shopping sites and shops offer varying prices. Besides the reasons above, the shipping costs and profit margin also affect how the store owner sells the hair bundles.


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