They Were On SALE!!)


I don’t know what’s come over me in the past couple of months but I can’t leave money in my account for a minute before it’s spent. I’ve spent a fortune on Christmas decorations this year too so I really need to reign it in in December if I want to have any money for New York.. and I REALLY do! I get daily emails from flash sale sites Cocosa and Brand Alley and recently they’ve had some great deals but I’ve managed to keep myself in check.. today what drew me in were the Rebecca Minkoff pouches, I saw a tiffany blue one with the slogan ‘What Recession?’ – absolutely PERFECT for my friend Caz and I still hadn’t locked in her Christmas present. So there I was deliberating about a £26 purchase when I stumbled upon the most beautiful shoes in all the land. I’ve been aware of these Sam Edelman peep toes for a while, I saw them in House Of Fraser full price (more than £200!!!) and fell in love with them but there was no way I could justify that kind of money.. I’m not saying I will NEVER spend that on a pair of shoes because you just never know but they’d have to be something I could wear every day.. ie: not studded and dangerous. So anyway I saw them there,realised they were out of my price range and moved on with my life.. until I saw them again in Fashion Rocks (or at least I think that’s what it was called) a kind of mini designer department store that was open for a while in Meadowhall.. they were still crazy expensive but I really wanted them.. when the store closed (because let’s face it the target market for super luxe items isn’t necessarily my neck of the woods) they were discounted to £80 and full disclosure I’ve never totally forgiven myself for not buying them. They were grey suede and I just thought they would get ruined so it was too much to spend.. so imagine my excitement when I saw them online this morning in black leather for £69!!! I know that was a ridiculously long story about my love for one pair of shoes but I had to explain why I NEEDED them. I did of course buy the RM pouch for my friend as well but the checkout became a bit more of a splurge than I’d prepared myself for.

Once I have the shoes you can expect a new post, I’m hoping I will have them tomorrow in time for Laura (Laura Loves Beauty) ‘s hen party as I’m planning on dressing relatively casual given that it’s FREEZING at the moment and these would give my outfit a serious edge. I’m hoping that the fact I had to buy a half size larger wont make much difference either.. I’m a little concerned that between that and the weight (I assume they’ll be heavy) of the shoe they might fall off my feet but we shall see.. I really don’t want to have to send them back but I have to be realistic.. I can’t spend £69 on a wardrobe ornament – or can I?!

So bringing me back to my initial quandary.. my spending habits have gotten a little out of control and it’s not as easy as ‘spending ban starts now’ because next week I have a day in London with my aforementioned friend and I’m going to the clothes show with Emma (Meet The Millards)in December – you can’t go to the Clothes show and NOT buy anything, can you?? So rather than put myself on a total ban I am going to allow myself a budget of £100 per day (or weekend in the clothes show case – that one’s gonna be tough) and outside of those events I’m not buying ANYTHING! I’ve bought all of my Christmas presents so anything additional would be unnecessary impulse buys and I absolutely do not need anything else for myself. Everything I wanted to get for our New York trip I’ve already bought and I’d much rather have money to spend while I’m there so.. no more spending!

For those of you feeling flush or who still have gifts to buy I would absolutely recommend you check out the Cocosa site right now because there’s SO much that’s SO heavily discounted.. but I warn you some of the deals are irresistable.. plus I read the site is closing down soon so that gave me the added ‘you must buy it NOW pressure’ – just a warning if like me you have zero self control.

Right, I’m off to eat Super Noodles for Lunch cause I’m now totally broke!

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Pamela D. Case is an illustrator who has her own definition of fashion and beauty. She graduated from the Art Institute of Chicago. While in college, she worked part-time as an illustrator for companies. She also likes to recommend fashionable and useful things to people, hence this blog.


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