What to Look Out for When Selecting Wigs


Are you green on wigs? If you don’t know how to pick your favorite style that will work for you, the Wigs Buying Guide will help. In the same way, you will select a diamond; in choosing a wig, you need some appreciation and understanding. Here you will get all the details about the 4Cs of wigs. They include cut, composition, capsize and color.

The style – Hair cut

The website will enable you to narrow down with ease to search by texture, length, and hairstyle. As you begin, you will want to stick close to familiar styles. You can make more drastic changes later when you get used to wearing wigs. That will be the start of your endless flexibility style. Specific face shapes flatter by particular styles.

Find the capsize

Average wigs fit around 95% of the clients who buy them. There are also wig types that come in large or petite sizes. Many have adjustable straps giving up to ½ inches to get a secure and comfortable fit. To get your right wig size:

  1. Take the measurements of your head circumference.
  2. Start from your front hairline, behind the ear, to the neck nape, the other ear, and back to the front hair.
  3. Write down the measurements and select your size.

Understand that sizes differ based on brands.

The best hair type to choose

When considering composition or the wig structure, think about hair types and cap construction. You may have some notions about synthetic and human hair, but the truth is they all have pros and cons. It makes them suitable for use in different scenarios. You need to be keen on the pros and cons of getting the best wig to use.

Cap features

Various cap constructions have different methods to attract hair to the cap. Each method has its limitations.

100% hand-tied

It creates the best natural movement since each hair has free moves.

All the hair on the cap is hand-tied on the base.

Most comfortable and softest cap, making them ideal for hair loss and sensitive scalp.

It permits styling you to comb it in any direction.

100% hand-knotted is its other name.  


Creates illusions of the natural hair growth from scalps where the hair parts.

Though each hair is hand-tied to the sheer base independently, it’s not on the entire cap.

Complete mono top permits for styling and parting versatility.

Double mono possesses extra soft material layers to give added comfort.

Lace front

Provides an illusion of a natural-looking front hairline.

The hair is hand-tied individually to sheer lace sections, not on the entire cap.

It permits styling the hair from your face.

They are the temple to temple and ready to wear.

It’s from delicate materials that need high care in handling.

Basic cap

It has traditional and capless constructions.

It’s the most affordable and durable.

Almost all the caps have open wafting for perfect air ventilation.

Gives hair a natural lift with the built-in volume on the crown.

Presetting the air is at the root helping in masking the can below.


Most styles provide diverse color choices. If you are new to wigs, go for natural shades to ease the transition.


Perfect hair requires excellent care. When you get your beautiful wig, do all you can to keep it fantastic.


Wigs are very diverse. You need to be keen on your specifications to get the perfect match. The above guideline will help you.


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