Take10 style challenge 1: lace waistcoat


Hopefully you’ll remember the intro to Project Take10 from a few weeks back – well, today sees the launch of our first ever style challenge!

Dorothy Perkins kindly offered to sponsor challenge 1, to see how we’d put together an outfit around their black lace waistcoat, and here we all are:

It was a bit tricky to find the right thing to wear with it because lots of my clothes are black (which means the waistcoat isn’t really seen) or have lace/frills on them (too OTT when teamed with more lace).

In the end I decided on the mustard ‘Star Trek’ dress because it’s a very simple shape and gives a strong colour contrast that allows the lace detail to be seen (just hope you don’t think I look like a giant bumble bee!).

I really love Shini’s outfit. I’d never have thought of belting the waistcoat, which is the great thing about these style challenges – getting new ideas on how to wear the same thing.

What would you wear the waistcoat with?

PS To view the other girls’ outfits in more detail visit Jen at A Little Bird Told Me, MJ at Dreaming Spires and Old Car Tyres, Sherin at HiFasion , Leia at Leia’s Delights, Vicki at Magpie Girl, Adele at Molto Curiosa, Saskia at Not Just Medical, Shini at Park & Cube and Sabine at Psynopsis

Lace waistcoat: c/o Dorothy Perkins / Dress: Topshop


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