Tips To Help You In Selecting Quality Bathtub Material


In multiple ways, it feels like the future is here. Smart technology is currently in households across the world. Smartphones are in our pockets- we are, therefore, already benefiting from some futuristic comforts. Perhaps with that, you should wonder everything else that could be possible. And that is the question we are answering with today’s blog post on bathtub Australia. Just what will the future of bathrooms look like? Flying bathtubs? Porcelain-coated and corner tubs? What should you consider when choosing the best bathtub material for your home? Let’s quickly find out!

As you may know already, there are a variety of smart technologies available on the market- especially when it comes to bathrooms and whirlpool baths. The most significant transformation in the future is likely going to be based on how we interact with showers and baths alike, especially when we just begin to bath.

Imagine being in a position to pre-fill the bathtub from your mobile phone or better yet having the tub recognize you every time you enter into the bathroom and then set the shower to your preferred temperature. This kind of personalization, coupled with recognition, is highly likely to be seen in various homes in the future. If there is a fact we can all agree on, it is that there are plenty of modern materials to consider for your bathtubs. Let us look at some of the best in the next paragraph.  

Porcelain and enamel-coated bathtubs are conventional. But, these are just a few of the common materials used in designing bathtubs. In the next segment of this article, we shall look at the pros and cons of some of these materials.


General Bathtub Materials

  • Natural Stone Baths

 Natural stones are durable because they are strengthened using 70 percent natural aluminum mineral. The resin is added to the material to make it durable. The non-porous surface of this bathtub material makes it easy for you to clean because it is more hygienic. Other than that, it significantly outlasts other materials while retaining water-heat for hours to allow you to enjoy luxurious soaking. Stone tubs are also available in impressive designs that can easily add an impeccable statement into your bathroom.

  • Enameled Baths- Made Of Porcelain

Enameled Porcelain is a quality bathtub material. It is often used as a finish. It is easy to maintain, economical, and durable. This material is also heavier than acrylic, which chips easily when exposed to pressure and force. While it is easy to clean as well, the variety of porcelain is limited. The high-tech coating made of enamel coating offers the material an unmatched density coupled with excellent heat retention.

  • Modern Acrylic Bathtubs

 Acrylic is naturally lightweight. It is also durable, functional, as well as easy to clean. These features make it valuable in multiple ways; the high gloss touch prevents the accumulation of bacteria while retaining its shiny look for several years, whether it is installed in a freestanding or built-in bathtub. Acrylic is easy to install. It is also readily available in a broad range of colors as well as styles.


In Closing  

The choice of material for your bathtub is dependent on your wishlist. Composite bathtubs are luxurious, while acrylic, as well as fiberglass, provides you with the value for money. Porcelain bathtubs are economical and cost-effective. They are also durable and good enough to give the bath an unmatched look.


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