The functionings of LED dimmable lights

dimmable lights functionings

Since their introduction into the market, LED lights have taken the market by storm. One of the main reasons why LED lights are so popular is the fact that they are cost-efficient. The energy conservation element is also a primary benefit of LED light technology. LED lights to come in different types, each of which has a different function. For instance, track LED lights are commonly used in commercial spaces like shopping malls or supermarkets. LED commercial lighting is the primary income-generating element of the LED industry. One of the similar features between all LED lighting features is the dimming element. In this post, we seek to bring a more in-depth understanding of how LED dimming works.

How LED dimming technology works

One of the biggest misconceptions about dimming technology is that the dimmer is based on an increase and decrease in the amount of voltage. While this may be true for the incandescent lights, it is not the case for LED lights. In LED lighting technology, the light is emitted through a semiconductor. This fact means that you can only turn the lights on and off and not lower the voltage capacity. The truth is that LED lights maintain their operations at the same levels of current as well when operating at all times. Therefore, there is something called the dimming effect that is applied in LED technology. There are two modes of dimming.

dimmable lights functionings
  • Pulse-width modulation

Pulse-width modulation refers to a technology where the LED lamp is wirelessly programmed so that it can split its circles. This means that the millisecond circle is divided into intervals within which the light is either on or off. Basically, the longer the on and the off light periods are relative to one another, the brighter the appearance of the light.

  • Analog dimming

This is the second mode of LED dimming. Here, control is awarded to the current that is fed to the LED lamps. It works by reducing the electronics linearly to minimize the amount of current to the LED. This fact results in the dimming of the LED. This is a straightforward technique to implement. To increase the efficiency of this mode, the power has to be run at a lower current. The dimming effect results in a decline of the temperatures within the source of light.

dimmable lights functionings

Challenges of LED dimming technology

One of the main issues with LED dimming effect is the unpredictable turn on and off whenever you try to adjust the levels using a switch. The main problem here may have to do with the dimmer switches. Flashing and drop out are also challenges that developers are working tirelessly to resolve.

Bottom Line

It is essential to take note that not all LED lamps are dimmable. Another wise consideration is the fact that not all controls or switches work with dimmable LED lights. It is, therefore, essential to make inquiries with the retailers and manufacturers before making a purchase. Performing a mockup on the product may also be a wise idea.


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